Friday 22 October 2010


I have learnt a lot doing this project and I feel like my 3d max skills have greatly improved.

I have learnt how to create complex shapes, like the face and the ear, in a simple way and I have also learnt a lot about how to use the uvw map tool and how to use materials to make the shape look more realistic.

I am pleased with my head. I feel the profile and the eyes and nose look like me although the mouth doesn't as much.

Finished Head


I found the hair and fur tool very difficult to use. I had difficultly stopping the hair going through the head even though I told it to collide with polygons. Also even though I had styled the hair so it was all straight and tidy some stray hairs still stuck up at strange angles.

To solve this problem I tried making hair using polygons. I created a copy of the top of the head and using the cylinder tool I created a ponytail and a fringe. I used my reference photo to create a material for the hair and I made slight changes to the uvwmap just to get the material looking right.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Another Picture!!

I added the light map to the specular levels channel and then I changed the brightness in photoshop until I thought it looked right.

Light Map

This is to add shiny parts to the face. It was hard to do because my skin isn't really that shiny but I added shine to the lips, forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. I also textureised the image to add detail.


I am happy with how it turned out. The skin isn't too rough and it has added the creases under the eyes and below the nose really well.

To Fix This...

I clicked on bitmap and added a mix to the bump channel. On the empty channel on the mix parameters I added some noise. I chose the noise type fractal and then messed around with the bump and the mix amount until I got the effect I wanted.